5 Thing No One Told You About Geofencing Advertising

5 Thing No One Told You About Geofencing Advertising

Geo fence marketing is a location-based marketing tool that creates a virtual geographic boundary that uses GPS technology to send notifications/alerts to a user when integrated with an app.

Geo fencing is an effective marketing strategy that attracts more local customers. This strategy works by allowing you to target people who physically approach your business and send them irresistible offers. Regarding all this, geofencing services in Chicago il, explain what geo fencing means and share five things about geo fencing that no one will tell you for your business on this blog.


Geo-fencing marketing?

Geo fencing marketing is an online marketing tool that creates a virtual boundary around a predefined location, using GPS (Global Positioning System) via satellite. A smartphone user can enter or exit the virtual edge known as a geo fence, geographic target, or geo-targeting.

It is best to narrow down the target audience to send the appropriate notifications and marketing campaigns with many options available.

To get started with geofencing advertising, set up active or passive alerts. An active alert forces users to subscribe to location services. Once they have opted for location services, users will receive a message from the company when they open the company app and walk through the barrier. When alerts are active, you use the Global Positioning System (GPS) or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to build your fences and send alerts.

This technology is the reason why your audience must have their location services turned on to reach them. Passive signals, on the other hand, are always enabled. These alerts rely on users connecting to WiFi or using mobile data to send alerts when users pass by. If your smartphone’s location is enabled, passive signals will run continuously in the background. Once you know the type of attention you are interested in, you can decide on the promotion, the notice board’s size, and what you want to use to trigger your rise.

How to set up a Geographic Fence

It’s simple and easy to set up the geo fence for your business. You choose the area you want to target and how far you want it to spread.

When creating your fence, you will want to keep your shelf small. The size will depend on whether people are walking or driving to your business.

If your customers are primarily entering your business, you’ll want to keep your geo fence within 4-5 blocks of your business. This distance is close enough to draw people to your store, but not so tight that they have to travel a long way to get there.

On the other hand, if your customers come to your business primarily by vehicle, you can further expand your radius. You can have your geo fence stretch 4-5 miles to make sure you reach people as they approach your business.

geo fencing diagram

5-Things About Geo fencing Advertising.

1. The geofence facilitates access to customers

Geolocation allows you to reach customers at the right place at the right time. Since geofence marketing works on a virtual barrier system, you get customers as soon as they enter that barrier. It means that they are close to your business and can become a potential customer for you.

When you use geographic fencing, you reach people directly on their mobile devices. This process means that you can show promotions for your products or services into the hands of your customers.

The average mobile session is 40 minutes. People spend long periods on their phones, so why not reach out to them where they are? It is the most acceptable way to get people to visit your business on a whim when they might not have planned to see you before.


2. Improve local sales

Geofencing is a location-based marketing strategy that sends messages to mobile users entering a selected geographic area. Some companies send promotions to customers’ mobile phones when they enter a store, mall, or neighborhood.

Geofencing marketing helps you create a better local marketing campaign.

Local marketing helps you get more conversions and then grow your business. Geofencing marketing is a great stepping stone to getting these potential customers through the door of your business.

As an example of geofencing, let’s say you offer a 30% discount on anything in your store. By creating a geofence, you can send notifications to people in your app or run a social media ad announcing your store’s sale. This geographic barrier will make more people in your store look at your sales and buy your products.


3. Increase participation

Geolocation helps you increase engagement with your business. When you send offers to your audience, you the more likely to engage with your company and see what you have to offer.

 With the ability to hyper-segment prospects, you’ll not only be able to reach the right people at the right time and place, but you’ll also be able to engage them with relevant and timely messages. By targeting people in a specific geographic sector and filtering that area by particular targeting criteria, you are much more likely to attract your potential customers. Using the Sephora example above: A marketer wouldn’t send the “lipstick” message to a passing Jane, Dick, or Harry but would target that ad to a specific demographic

People only want to see the offers that match their interests and needs. When you have personalized recommendations that you send at the right time, you increase your audience’s chances to engage with your brand and visit your store

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4. Personalize your customer experience

As we said earlier, people want to see offers that match their interests. Personalization is the best key to a successful geofence marketing campaign.

Your audience is bombarded with ads and offers from dozens of companies. If you want your offer to be memorable and exciting to your audience, you need to personalize it.

Geolocation helps you better understand your audience to create offers and ads that continually engage your audience. This strategy allows you to collect data about your customers, such as demographics.

You can also see which offers are generating the most engagement and interest. Combining these elements gives you a better understanding of your target audience, so you can create offers that attract more people to your local business doorstep.

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5.It helps you beat your competition.

One of the best things about a geofence is that you can place a geofence around your competitor’s workplace. If someone enters the specific area, you can send them an offer and entice them to visit your business instead of your competition.

Let’s take a look at companies like Starbucks and Dunkin. Both of these companies are popular with consumers, and many will visit one store or another. With geofencing, Dunkin ‘could alienate potential Starbucks customers with an attractive offer and vice versa.

Without the geofence, someone may have visited the nearest cafe because it was convenient. However, getting an offer for a $ 1 coffee at one location could easily discourage someone from seeing the nearest restaurant and driving them to the cafe offering $2 coffee.

Geofencing is the best way to increase brand awareness and get your audience to think about your brand rather than the competition.

So, what is geofencing in your business? Geofencing marketing allows you to reach local customers close to your store or a competitor’s store. It’s a great way to attract local customers to visit your store and take a look at your business.

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